Okay ... I will officially be 40 weeks pregnant on September 1st!! I feel like the past few weeks have flown by ... but have also lasted forever. Does that make any sense?
This could be the last weekend for me and my mister without our newest addition. I can't believe it. Today could be the last Friday without Baby - our last date night without bringing Baby or finding a sitter. It feels so surreal to me. And I am ready ... so ready that I am willing to forgo our last weekend together if that means I can hold this baby of ours in my arms.
Being 39+ weeks is pretty exhausting. Sleep comes in 2-3 hour increments due to waking up to roll over or go to the ladies room. Once I make it downstairs I try not to go back up until it's time for bed. Bending over to rub Louie's belly doesn't happen that often anymore. I try to use my foot but she looks at me as though she is saying, "This is crap, Mom. You can do better." I think of errands I need to run and don't really want to but I force myself because it may be my last "last minute, hop in the car" errand.
Our bags are packed, the nursery is ready, all of the newborn gadgets are put together, and the carseat is installed ... bring on Baby Walker or Baby Sadie!!!!!
Maybe my next post will be an update on how our beautiful baby entered this world with an obnoxious amount of pictures for you to oooooh and aaaaaah over. That's my plan anyway.
Have a great weekend and cross your fingers for a baby this weekend!
Friday, August 27, 2010
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Happy Anniversary, Mom and Dad!
I don't even know where to begin. I guess by saying that your relationship is just awesome ... in every way possible. Thank you for showing me what it means to love someone with all of your heart, how to be a best friend, how to encourage and support, and to never give up even if the going gets tough. Your marriage is a true example of what all marriages should be like and I can only hope that ours can follow close behind yours. I love you both very much. Thank you for being such wonderful parents.
Happy Anniversary!
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Birthday Recap and a Baby Update!
What a whirlwind of a weekend!! Mr. Chase had his 3rd birthday party on Saturday and Andrew and I were kinda on the fence about if we would make it or not ... all depending on Baby Rudy. Well, Baby Rudy behaved nicely and we were able to celebrate his big day! He has so many friends!! It's always so much fun when we get to visit with ABC^2. We all had fun watching Chase blow out his birthday candles, play with his friends, and open presents galore! He is definitely one loved little boy. He has so much personality ... we see both his mom and dad in him more and more as he gets older. I'm so glad we were able to visit with them one last time before our little one arrives. Now it's time to stay put in Matthews until our baby's birthday! But our visits will never end. :-)
We stayed the night at ABC^2 and then headed in to good ole Davie County to celebrate my Mom and Dad's birthdays. Dad decided he wanted to go out for dinner and we ended up at Logan's Steakhouse for a delicious meal. We then headed back to the house for presents and ice cream cake. YUMMY!! Mom also made a peach cobbler that I just had to have a bite of before we left to come home. What a bad idea ... it just makes me want more!!! She sent some home with us that Andrew polished off fairly quickly. I did manage one or two more bites before it disappeared.
Summers sure are crazy with all of the birthdays ... and we are just adding to the mix! Baby Rudy is doing great. I will be 36 weeks pregnant tomorrow and he/she is growing strong and kicking hard! I had my weekly appointment today and everything is looking awesome. His/her heart rate was good and strong at 152 and he/she is measuring at 37 weeks. We had a growth ultrasound at 33 weeks and he/she was already measuring around 5 lb 6 oz ... can we say healthy baby?? My goodness! We are just so excited to meet this new little person. I can honestly say that I will miss being pregnant. Some may not agree with that statement. Don't get me wrong ... I want him/her in my arms so badly. But I am going to miss the tiny hiccups, soft nudges, and super strong kicks!
I can't wait to post my Wordless Wednesday picture for tomorrow ... you should all get a good kick out of it!
Happy Birthday to all my family with summer birthdays! Much love!
We stayed the night at ABC^2 and then headed in to good ole Davie County to celebrate my Mom and Dad's birthdays. Dad decided he wanted to go out for dinner and we ended up at Logan's Steakhouse for a delicious meal. We then headed back to the house for presents and ice cream cake. YUMMY!! Mom also made a peach cobbler that I just had to have a bite of before we left to come home. What a bad idea ... it just makes me want more!!! She sent some home with us that Andrew polished off fairly quickly. I did manage one or two more bites before it disappeared.
Summers sure are crazy with all of the birthdays ... and we are just adding to the mix! Baby Rudy is doing great. I will be 36 weeks pregnant tomorrow and he/she is growing strong and kicking hard! I had my weekly appointment today and everything is looking awesome. His/her heart rate was good and strong at 152 and he/she is measuring at 37 weeks. We had a growth ultrasound at 33 weeks and he/she was already measuring around 5 lb 6 oz ... can we say healthy baby?? My goodness! We are just so excited to meet this new little person. I can honestly say that I will miss being pregnant. Some may not agree with that statement. Don't get me wrong ... I want him/her in my arms so badly. But I am going to miss the tiny hiccups, soft nudges, and super strong kicks!
I can't wait to post my Wordless Wednesday picture for tomorrow ... you should all get a good kick out of it!
Happy Birthday to all my family with summer birthdays! Much love!
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Happy 60th Birthday, Daddy-o!
I'll make sure to recap the weekend this week ... but I wanted to wish my Dad the happiest of all birthdays today! Love you very much. xoxo
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Wordless Wednesday - Birthdays!
July 28th is a pretty spectacular day!
Happy Birthday to the best Mom I could ever ask for!
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
I'm in L-O-V-E ...
with the produce stand in town. Do not waste your money on grocery store produce if you don't have to. You will spend way too much money and most of it is pumped full of crap to keep it 'fresh' longer.
i originally went there for ingredients for dinner tonight ... grilled chicken salads. All I needed was romaine lettuce, one tomato, and a few small cucumbers. Wellll .... I got a bit more. Shocking, I know.
Here is what I walked away with:
bundle of romaine lettuce
2 tomatoes
4-5 small cucumbers
small bag of red potatoes
2 large zucchini
large yellow onion
2 garlic clove bundles
2 avocados
Ready for my grand total?
I mean, c'mon, you can't get those deals at the store! And it wouldn't be nearly as fresh.
I L-O-V-E our local farmers and the produce stand.
i originally went there for ingredients for dinner tonight ... grilled chicken salads. All I needed was romaine lettuce, one tomato, and a few small cucumbers. Wellll .... I got a bit more. Shocking, I know.
Here is what I walked away with:
bundle of romaine lettuce
2 tomatoes
4-5 small cucumbers
small bag of red potatoes
2 large zucchini
large yellow onion
2 garlic clove bundles
2 avocados
Ready for my grand total?
I mean, c'mon, you can't get those deals at the store! And it wouldn't be nearly as fresh.
I L-O-V-E our local farmers and the produce stand.
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