Arthritis affects 1 out of every 5 people, children included. There are over 46 million people that have been diagnosed with a form of arthritis .... 300,000 of them being kids.
While Andrew and I don't have a ton of money in the bank : ) we donated what we could and dedicated ourselves to participate in the 2008 Arthritis Foundation Walk.
So ....
the three of us (Andrew, Louie, and myself .... yes, Louie! We will get to that!) woke up at 6:30 this beautiful Saturday morning to walk with about 300 others. While it was tempting to stay in bed, sleep in late, and watch senseless television we pulled ourselves out of bed and got on our merry way! And every minute was worth it!
I am sure most everyone knows someone that suffers from arthritis. When I saw this event online, I automatically thought of my Granny, Sadie Mae. I signed up right away and dedicated my walk to her.

We read online where nice, calm dogs were invited to participate too. Well, we decided Louie was out of the picture for this walk. She is still very much puppy, and her social skills with people aren't very acceptable. She has some social anxiety, to say the least. Well, she used to anyway.
We decided to take her at the last minute and we are so glad we did!! She was fabulous ... she let people pet her, give her treats, and she had no issues walking by them! We were very impressed ... she is growing up to be a wonderful, playful, and SOCIALABLE dog.

(this is Louie getting some air after a good, long walk ... she is currently passed out from her eventful morning)
What a great start to the weekend .... what's next on the list?!