So, this post is going to be mainly photos ... they speak for themselves. And yes, Kristin is on vacay.
Those are some crazy lookin' lobstahs!
Today was our first day at the Lobster Festival! We got to Rockland about 11 today and had a blast! It was pretty cloudy when we got there so we took advantage of the outdoor vendors as much as we could before the rain started. We bought some artwork for our home including the 2008 Lobster Festival poster ...

There was a US map and a world map set up at the information booth so everyone could put a tack on the city they were from .... wouldn't you know there was another Charlotte person there. I need to go hunt them down. That was my tack! Anyway, it was pretty amazing to see the distance people came for the festival.

Here is a picture of the world's greatest lobster cooker ...

Here are some pictures of me enjoying my first lobster of the week .. Andrew was on his 5th or so for the week so I felt it kind of repetitive to include more of him chowing down.
Sorry Andrew - you can't eat this one ... good try though!
Sorry this got posted a day later .... I tried!
Now it's time to get ready for another day of lobstah!
Have a happy day!