The birthday girl with her delicious cake.

Notice anything super cool about the candles? That's right, the flames are different colors! Jealous? Should be.
Leah – I hope you had a fabulous time Sunday and enjoy your birthday dinner tonight! You are an awesome sister and I am so lucky to have you in my life.
Okay … on another note. There are a few blogs that I ‘stalk’ daily. Well, there is one in particular that I am starting to ‘stalk’ a bit more and she does this thing called "Not Me Mondays" where you pretty much fess up to anything you did during the week that might not be so great (but you still get to claim that you didn’t do it to save face – sort of) It's nothing terrible or illegal (well, mine aren't!) Anyways, I thought I would participate – so here it goes. Yes, it's a day late ... it will be okay.
1. I did not find out that Ann Taylor Loft was have a CRAZY sale and not tell any family or friends until after I went to check it out myself. (I did not save about $225 on 2 sweaters, a cardigan, a dress, and a pair of shoes!)
2. I did not use my dog’s sickness to my advantage yesterday to work from home.
3. I did not go to Harris Teeter instead of Food Lion for my grocery shopping on Sunday just to get a Starbucks coffee while I shopped.
See! Nothing terrible ...
So, what did you not do?