10. I love to send them to everyone I know.
9. I love to receive them from everyone I know.
8. I get to show them off on my kitchen wall.
7. I love the picture cards so I can see how cute the little ones are. I just got one from my bff, Holly, and her little ones are ADORABLE.
6. You get them through "snail" mail. I love getting cards in the mail.
5. I think the sender's sentiment is written all over the card whether it's a card with angels, a Bible verse, believing in the season, or simply about loving one another.
4. When you get one in the mail you know the sender thought about YOU during their busy holiday schedule. I love the feeling of knowing we were thought about.
3. I love to buy them on clearance after Christmas. You all know my passion about bargain shopping. It's simply one of the best feelings.
2. I reeeeaaaallllly love to use holiday return address stickers and Christmas stamps. Oh, the little things.
1. I am starting to reuse them and it's so much fun!!! No, I don't resend them the next year. But I do cut the front of the card off and use them as Christmas tags on everyone's gifts. And don't worry, I don't use the picture cards for anyone's gifts ... that would just be creepy. But it would be kind of funny.
Don't know if you know, but your Grandma always recycled her Christmas cards and used them as gift cards for packages. She even ironed her gift wrap and used it the next year. She also recycled all occasion greeting cards as cards for old/new recipes. You are doing such a good job with your green footprint.
Your grandpa was a great believer in snail mail!!!! He retired with distinction from the US post office! Don't forget to treat your mailman/lady to a Christmas thank you for his/her service. Pass it on! You'll make someone's day!
no more sprinkles for you....sadness.....scrooginess
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