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Saturday, December 5, 2009

What the Grit?!

A little back history regarding my love for grits -
Being a Southern girl, born and raised, grits have always been a staple in my home. Plain grits, buttered grits, red eye gravy grits, sausage grits, cheese grits .... you get the idea. Well, when I started dating my Yankee of a husband (I say this with much love) I knew I had to convert him over or this relationship just wouldn't work. I told him he couldn't try anyone else's grits first except for my Dad's because, well, he simply makes the best in the state of North Carolina. And it's true ... if you try the wrong person's grits you may never like them. That's why I never order grits if we go out to breakfast. I'm afraid it may damage our relationship with one another. (with the grits, not the mister). After a few attempts, the mister slowly started to enjoy this fine southern food. It's a good thing because I didn't want to have to end things with him. I really liked him.

Back to the point of my post -
So, the mister and I came up with a new way to serve breakfast a few weeks ago and I have to admit ... it's pretty awesome. I say that because the main ingredient is .... drum roll please ... grits! Check out this delicious grit bowl. It's like a tiny slice of southern heaven. I love to add random things to my bowl of grits (please refer to my back history above) but I never thought about throwing it all together. Here is what you do ... make some grits, cook up some bacon (we prefer turkey bacon), fry up an egg for each bowl, and top it off with a little shredded cheese. You might want to salt and pepper to taste. I love a lot of pepper on mine. Pretty darn simple.
Holy Grit, this is good!


Anonymous said...

I think you missed your calling. Ever considered writing as a career? This was so entertaining! Will try the grit bowl! Thanks for the explanation.

Anonymous said...

I'm not too convinced on the grit stuff. Maybe I should try your Dads. :)