Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Our Angel, Sadie Mae's Pot Roast, Mr. A to Z, and Thanksgiving ...

Okay, I have been meaning to sit down and write to keep all of you out there updated. So - here it goes!

1. Andrew and I went shopping for our little angel that we adopted through the Salvation Army. We got her new shoes, a winter jacket, clothes, games, socks - the whole works! We went a little overboard on what we had originally planned but we know that this may be the only Christmas she receives and we wanted to make sure it would be special. Check it out!

2. Mike and Sharon came in for a quick visit on their way to Raleigh last Sunday. I was so excited to have them over to play hostess! I made sure to make a nice hearty meal, Sadie Mae's Pot Roast! Now, the secret is in the sauce so I won't be sharing the recipe. You will just have to come over for a plate and enjoy. I also made my first batch of Grandma Walker's Sugar Cookies for them to take on the road. Yummo! It was great to have Mike and Sharon over (even though it was too short of a visit). :-)

3. Wednesday night - Leah, Paige, Andrew and myself headed to Richmond to see Mr. A to Z (Jason Mraz). Even though I wasn't feeling too good, we had a great time. He performs an awesome show and he is hilarious. Here are a few pictures I captured from his show. I can't wait until he comes around again ... love his music. And his jeans, his 3/4 shirt, his hats ... I didn't see his shoes - but I bet those were nice too. (inside joke for Leah and Paige) :-)

4. Thanksgiving Day was yummy as usual. We ended up with three turkeys (turkies? I think turkeys) at Mom and Dad's house. Long story. You see, Mom had sent Dad down the aisle at the grocery store for two turkey breasts and Andrew gave Mom a hard time about not having the whole bird. This was all in good fun. If you know me and my family, you know we joke around ALL the time. And Mom 100% knew Andrew was joking around with her. Well, Mom sent Dad back to the store for the whole turkey to please her son in law anyway. SO .... Mom decided to cook the whole turkey and one of the turkey breast. Well, she pulled them out to discover she had three whole turkeys and not one whole turkey and two turkey breasts. So, we ate one turkey, Mom sent one back with us, and we will have the other one at Christmas. We also had all the good fixin's too ... mashed potatoes, green beans and corn, dressing/stuffing, pumpkin pie, squash casserole. It was all so good. We had a great time with the Raynor's - and Kyle and Clay too.
NOTE - We will be hosting Thanksgiving next year at our house for the Raynor's and the Rudy's and any other extended family wanting to come for dinner. No, we don't have a house yet ... but we will by then. Can't wait to see you all there!

Now it's time to get in the Christmas spirit ... our place is decorated and my official Christmas cookie baking will begin soon!

What to look forward to:

*Andrew turns 26 on the 9th!

*We are having our pictures taken for holiday cards this weekend

*I will be baking like it's my day job

Get ready for pictures ... I swear I am working on getting some people in my pictures - I don't post enough of us, I know .... oh, and get ready for some holiday decoration pictures too! :-)
Happy Holidays!

Friday, November 21, 2008

An address to remember for your holiday card list ...

When sending your Christmas cards this year, consider this. Send a card to a recovering service person.

The address is:

A Recovering American Soldier
c/o Walter Reed Army Hospital
Washington, DC 20307-5001

Tis the season to give all you can and love with all your heart.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Doing the Most Good

I have never needed.

And with the holidays approaching I begin to think of those who do need. There are so many families with young children that won't be able to experience the joy of Christmas with presents under the tree.

This year, Andrew and I have decided to 'adopt' a 7 year old girl through The Salvation Army. We have her clothing size, shoe size and her wish list. I feel so honored and grateful that we are going to be able to provide a happy Christmas for this little girl.

We are going shopping this weekend for her. I will be sure to post some pictures of what she will get to enjoy on Christmas day!

To add to my list of what I am grateful for.

10. to have never needed
11. being able to provide for those who do need

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


As the holidays are approaching I thought I would take a few seconds to start a list of all that I am grateful for.

1. Andrew
2. The Raynor Family
3. The Rudy Family
4. Friends
5. My furry friends (Louie, Lola, Cody, Mama Cat, etc)
7. a roof over my head
8. my job
9. our military

More to come ....

So, what are you grateful for?